This dramatized documentary features Lavrion (an industrial town) while tracing the lives of two men; a mineral collector and a university student (Nikos Vourlakos and Petros Alatzas). The former wand...
A wealthy young man tests his lover’s faith and devotion by pretending to be poor. When he loses his fortune, no one believes that he used to be rich.
A group of saboteurs arrives in German-occupied Greece in order to complete a dangerous mission.
Ntinos (Kostas Kakkavas), son of the builder (Nikitas Platis) agrees to work as an interpreter for an American in order to make some extra money for his extravagant life. He falls in love with a girl ...
A young teacher (Angelos Antonopoulos) arrives in Agrampeli, a remote village in rural Greece. In this village which has been deserted because of migration, he tries to give the children an education ...
Maria returns to her island on the day that the inhabitants are preparing to honor the memory of a hero of the Resistance, Dimitris Boumas, with whom she was in love. The girl tells the father of the ...
Angelos is about to leave for Australia. In Piraeus he meets a girl (Anna Fonsou) who falls in love with him. This acquaintance, however, reminds him of his old love (Elena Nathanail), whom he left be...
Aggelos and Eirini, two young lovers, decide to leave their village in the Peloponnese to search for a better life in Athens. Angelos asks his uncle, who is the station-master, for a little financial ...